FAQ about Package & Delivery & Installation

FAQ about Package

Q: How to package the goods? Will the products be broken in transit?

A: Don’t worry, we assure you that the goods you receive will be complete and intact. About the package, all FRP parts and control box are packed with 3-5 layers of good bubble film; the steel parts are packed with bubble film and non-woven fabric; the spare parts will be packed in carton box. In addition, we can pack the products according to customers’ requirements. After packing the products, all of them will be loaded into containers. It is our delivery team that will load the goods according to packing list strictly in order to make sure every part is not left. Besides, different kinds of amusement rides have special way of fixation. The delivery team will fix the goods in order to make sure the goods is safe and doesn’t move during transport. Moreover, our sales department will also charge all processing of loading and delivery, and send all necessary documents to customers in time.

Q: How the train is shipped in a container?

A: About shipping the train, we pack the train locomotive and train cabins separately to ensure the safety of goods and save space to save freight.

Train Loco Package
Train Loco Package

Package of the Train Cabin
Package of the Train Cabin

Package of Ride on Trains for sale
Package of Ride on Trains for sale

FAQ about Delivery

Q: Your firm is so far away my living place. How to ensure a quick delivery?

A: Friend, we are a professional manufacturer and we provide clients with intimate customer care. Every year we exported many amusement rides to different countries, such as Australia, Tanzania, Brazil, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, America, and Uzbekistan. We guarantee the delivery of goods to customers on time and in quantity.

Q: Do I have to purchase a container to ship the goods?

A: There is no need to purchase container because the shipping price includes container using cost. When the cargo arrives at your port, you just need to pick up the cargo, then the shipping company will recycle the container.

Q: How do I get the goods?

A: Shipping by sea. After the goods arrives at the port, the freight forwarder will inform you to pick up the goods.

Q: How are the shipping costs and how long does it take?

A: Tell us the port close to you to pick up goods. We will calculate the exact shipping cost and time for you.

Q: Can you lower the shipping cost?

A: About shipping cost, it is quoted by shipping company and we try our best to keep the cost as low as possible. Frankly, if you have your own shipping agent, you can ask him/her to help you about products delivery. We will tell him/her about our factory address.

Delivery of Tourist Train
Delivery of Tourist Train

Final Fixation
Final Fixation

Delivery of Goods
Delivery of Goods

FAQ about Installation

Q: Is it difficult for us to install the product? Or can you assemble it in the destination country?

A: Friend, not to worry. The installation is easy. We will send you all the documents including installation videos, instructions, and training of your workers. Besides, if needed, we can dispatch engineers to the destination to help you install and debug equipment, and you need to pay a related fee.

    If you have any interest or need of our product, just feel free to send inquiry to us!

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